FIT Show - Business Pilot Stand S41

Business management software company Business Pilot has several new developments to demonstrate to existing and new users.

MD Elton Boocock says: “We create the best system available for installers but we need to continue to develop and maintain that position and that means working closely with our partners to develop more Application Programming Interfaces (the things that let programs you already use talk to Business Pilot), create more features and build in more reasons for window companies to sign up.”



Boocock adds: “Many software platforms are walled gardens where developers want to keep their codes a secret. We believe that the more we can integrate Business Pilot into the working life of our users, the more useful it will be. So, we’ve created a number of those APIs that allow users to speed up operations by allowing Business Pilot to partner with other pieces of software, such as accounting software and pricing software.

”For example, a lot of businesses use Xero for their day-to-day accounting and with our API, there is no more exporting data, import sorting data or double entry. There's just a button – you simply connect the two systems so everything stays up to date.

”It’s the same with front-end pricing tools such as Tommy Trinder and Windowlink. Again, with our APIs, there is no more room for discrepancies because there is no need to export or import the data. It is connected and live.”



Boocock says: “More than 6,000 FENSA registrations have been completed through Business Pilot since the API went live at last year’s FIT and we expect the popularity to keep growing.”


Business Pilot Barometer

The Business Pilot Barometer provides an overview of what is happening in the window and door industry by using live information from the system, which means its reports are ban up to date.

Join Business Pilot at 1:00pm on the Tuesday of the FIT Show for a seminar about how the number and quality of leads has changed over recent months and how they compare to previous years.


Picture: Find Business Pilot on Stand S41


Article written by Cathryn Ellis
16th May 2023


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