F For Heritage Projects

Making home improvements in listed buildings or conservation areas usually means two tier legislation (local council permissions and national building regulations) while simultaneously meeting owners aiming for that perfect finish for their home. What’s the ventilation solution? 

The choice (preferred or enforced) of material for windows and doors in conservation areas/listed buildings is usually timber. The style and design are again often contentious with local authorities (building control and conservation officers) who endeavour to make the windows and doors for both the building and surrounding environment, as appropriate as possible. 

Compounding the challenges of compliance, some local authorities may even insist that the identical type of timber is used when installing replacements.


Approved Document F

Once the frame and profile material has been agreed upon by all parties, the next step is to ensure the ventilation is in line with Approved Document F (means of ventilation) of the Building Regulations (England and Wales), which changed in June 2022, making it compulsory for companies replacing existing windows and doors, to meet the properties’ ventilation requirements to the new standard. 

With mechanical ventilation being expensive, inconvenient and time consuming to install, the most practical and affordable way to compliance for both installers and property owners is to install trickle vents to the window and door profiles or frames.


Link Vent

Glazpart (the glazing components and hardware manufacturer) has one of the best trickle ventilation solutions with its a Link Vent range which comes in sizes 5000, 4000 and 2500 EQA and all are designed to fully comply with Doc F. 

The Link Vent has rounded ends to allow for installation on timber windows. It is available in either screw or clip in fixing types – the design eliminates the need for end caps whilst the clip fix design allows for a fast, easy vent installation.



Glazpart can provide a vast spectrum of colours and finishes for the Link Vent range including premium  woodgrain Link Vents which are ideal for timber products. When it comes to heritage properties, many fabricators and installers are using the Link Vent Premium ranges because they blend in very well with the look not only of the building but often the surrounding environment.

Dean Bradley, Glazpart’s sales director says: “For windows and doors in heritage buildings, Glazpart can match most colour finishes. As homeowners become more particular regarding the aesthetic of their windows and doors, fabricators and installers should be offering the widest possible range of colours and finishes for traditional timber windows and doors. Glazpart has the facilities and capacity to deliver a vast range of colours and finishes for trickle vents that are compliant and easy to install for heritage windows and doors.”


Picture: Glazpart can supply Link Vents to suit all applications from PVC-U to wood that fully comply with Approved Document F of the building regulations.


Article written by Cathryn Ellis
23rd January 2025


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