Wavensmere Win The Slow Race At Cheltenham

Wavensmere Homes and BBS Capital have received unanimous approval from Cheltenham Borough Council’s planning committee for a £55m redevelopment – which has taken ten years to come through.

The plan is to turn the North Place surface car park, located within Cheltenham’s central conservation area. Into 147 houses and apartments.

The development will be known as Arkle Court. It has been designed by architects Glancy Nicholls to complement the town’s Regency architecture and create a sustainable new community in the heart of the town centre.



Construction for the 75 three-bedroom townhouses and 72 one and two-bedroom apartments is expected to commence within a matter of months, once the S106 agreement for the regeneration scheme is in place.



There has been a desire to redevelop this key site for Cheltenham for over a decade. Receiving the green light from the Borough’s planning committee will enable us to inject £55m into delivering much-needed energy efficient homes and continue the renaissance of the wider St Paul’s area.


Dilly dallying

James Dickens, the managing director of Wavensmere Homes says: “It has taken ten years to get to this point. Our delivery will showcase what can be achieved when the Borough Council and developers work together to unlock complex regeneration schemes for the benefit of Cheltenham.

“Our team will continue to work with the Council and other stakeholders on the pre-construction details, to enable us to start work on site as soon as possible.”


Get Britain building

Formerly the site of Black & White’s Coach Station, in 2013, the Council awarded planning for a large supermarket and 143 new homes, which never materialised.


A-rated on thermals

Arkle Court is intended to be gas-free with a target A-rated energy performance. Wavensmere Homes’ specification of local materials will help to reduce carbon footprint, along with an array of energy saving and generating technology, including air sourced heat pumps, solar PV panels and centralised mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems. Each house will also benefit from dedicated parking which will be served by 7kW EV car chargers.


’Affordable’ homes

Dickens adds: “We are thrilled this landmark brownfield site can now finally be redeveloped to deliver highly sustainable family houses and apartments, with over 100 construction jobs to be created in the process.

“While the viability assessment for the project did not allow for 20% affordable housing, we will be delivering this allocation on-site, along with a contribution of over £1m towards upgrades towards local education, libraries and the Cotswold Beechwoods special area of conservation.  


Environmental impact

Nick Spencer, a director and at BBS Capital, says: The social, environmental and sustainability components of the scheme will complement Cheltenham Borough Council’s key targets, outlined in the local authority’s 2027 Corporate Plan. The environmental impact of the project will deliver sustainable drainage and biodiversity net gains well in excess of the policy regulations.”


Wavensmere Homes

Wavensmere Homes is constructing three major urban regeneration schemes, located in central Birmingham, Derby city centre and Ipswich and has five further developments, including the £150m Wolverhampton Canalside South project – in addition to Arkle Court – in the immediate pipeline. The Birmingham-headquartered housebuilder has around 3,500 new homes either under construction or in planning.


Picture: Wavensmere Homes has received the green light for a £55m Cheltenham Town centre redevelopment



Article written by Brian Shillibeer
23rd September 2024


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